Stories From Arabia SS20

Pho­tog­ra­phy Emi­ly Lavarello

Sto­ries From Ara­bia takes over the ball­room at Café Roy­al to indulge Lon­don in Mid­dle East­ern cul­ture, fash­ion and musings.

Sto­ries From Ara­bia is the largest plat­form encom­pass­ing elite fash­ion design­ers from Ara­bia dur­ing Lon­don Fash­ion Week. Found­ed by Jalila Elmas­tou­ki, Sto­ries from Arabia’s vision is to high­light and expose the incred­i­ble work of design­ers from Ara­bia. Four design­ers from The Mid­dle East take the glob­al stage at Lon­don Fash­ion Week to show­case their intri­cate col­lec­tions rich in tra­di­tion­al tech­niques, bold with the colours of their region and an over­all ode to their roots. After four suc­cess­ful edi­tions, Sto­ries From Ara­bia con­tin­ue to cre­ate diver­si­ty with­in the Lon­don Fash­ion Week.

Design­ers include: 1Mor Kuwait, Nora Al Abdul­lah Kuwait, The Black Pearl Qatar, Haifa Al Sudairi & Sami­ra Alhalawani